Cluster Life Sciences Tirol
Part of Standortagentur Tirol, the cluster management platform connects top-class Tyrolean research institutions from the life science sector with active companies located in the region. It imparts expertise, provides thematic inputs, offers links to specialist partners, encourages and supports interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary collaborations and research & development partnerships. The life science cluster thereby boosts innovation performance in the region and promotes enhanced competitiveness for both companies and the Tyrolean region. The cluster creates an organized, cohesive presence of the sector which leads to an enhanced visibility of Tyrolean expertise in the respective specialist fields both in Austria and abroad.
The Tyrolean life science scene features three universities and two universities of applied sciences conducting excellent, internationally recognized research and a strongly innovative industry which is home to world market leaders as well as highly research driven start-up companies. A total of 74 cluster members - that is to say 2/3 of life science companies in Tyrol and all the relevant Tyrolean research institutions - are interlinked in ‘Cluster Life Sciences Tirol’. The partners work in the fields of medical engineering, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, life science-related services, research and education.
For more information get in contact with:
Petra Stöckl
Phone +43 512 576262 248
Roland Fuchs
Phone +43 512 576262 248253